Missing out much(?)

It's the last Monday before (February) half term and, although January dragged, February is flying! 

We also got Valentine's Day on Friday and this, along with missing Super Bowl, got me thinking: How much am I missing out?

Missing Super Bowl was a big hit for me as I told myself last year that this one Sunday once a year, I would be prepared and have everything under control. Unexpectedly, my plans just didn't turn out great this year; I cried for ages and slowly accepted that I couldn't control everything, and Super Bowl would be on next year and that I could record it.

But it wasn't about watching Super Bowl - it was about experiencing it.

The consumerism, the constant ads, Taylor Swift being captured on film every five seconds; I wanted to be part of that.

I guess that’s people’s main fear when there’s an event on or they’ve been invited somewhere: they’re scared of missing out on the experience and not the actual event itself. We, as humans, have always needed connection and communication; we can’t deal with not being informed of something because the thought of many people having a specific experience that we didn’t is envy (and anxiety) inducing.

This is a really interesting topic that I read a Wikipedia article on recently, so I’ll put that (and a relevant Ted-Ed video) down below. 

Enjoy your week and may the only thing you fear is fear itself (and missing out the latest celebrity gossip).

Wikipedia Article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_of_missing_out

Ted-Ed Video: https://youtu.be/n3Xv_g3g-mA


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