Rainy Day nostalgia
I'm cold.
It's been a rainy couple of weeks in the city, but today's been particularly depressing.
It just doesn't even feel like a hot chocolate could cheer me up.
On Tuesday, I went to TGI Fridays for the first time in almost five years and there was barely anything on the menu but, of course, the prices were ridiculously high.
To be honest, I've been thinking a lot about the last five years: the pandemic, the craziness, how people have changed. When people said that "things will never be the same", I took it with a grain of salt.
I knew I would be allowed to go outside again; I knew that the mask wearing was going to be temporary, I knew that holidays would be green lit and that I would be able to see my (remaining) members of family.
I just knew everything was going to be normal again. It just had to.
I go to the cinema on occasion and sit at the front to avoid seeing people on their phones. I have horror stories of the cinema post pandemic, so if you would like to know them, please let me know.
I'm sorry that this blog has been so depressing, dry and realistic; it just feels like one of those days where the world is moving so slowly and you're just there - waiting for something (good) to happen.
Have a lovely weekend (especially for my Londoners, as it is raining all weekend) and may you find something that makes you happy and brings you joy... as every cloud has a silver lining.
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